Prince of Wales Rural Resiliency (Emergency Management) Workshop

Calendar Date:
Tuesday, September 10, 2019 (All day) to Thursday, September 12, 2019 (All day)

The City of Craig will be hosting a Rural Resiliency Workshop in Craig September 10 - 12 at the Craig Tribal Hall.  The conference is being conducted by the Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.  Representatives from state emergency management, FEMA, Red Cross, health and social services, Department of Environmental Conservation, the National Weather Service and more will talk about disaster response and resources in Southeast Alaska during the three day conference.  For a full rundown on the presenters and topics click on the agenda below!

The conference is open to all communities, school districts, tribes, and other agencies on Prince of Wales.  There is no charge to attend the workshop.  If you are interested in attending a single session, a day's worth of events, or the whole conference contact James Benzschawel by email at or by phone at 907-428-7049.  If you plan on attending the workshop it is important that you let James know so that we have enough materials for all attendees.  If you email James let him know what sessions you plan to attend, your name, email address, and what community/agency you represent.